Modern paint finishes employ an extra layer of clear coat that forms an invisible barrier innocently protecting the paint during its lifespan. This clearcoat layer takes the brunt of the damage that a car’s surface endures each time it is used. Thankfully this provides detailers with a layer to work with that can be polished safely to eliminate imperfections and create a new glossy finish to admire and maintain. The question now becomes how to protect this for the future?
For many years Auto Wax has been the go-to product for protecting a cars painted finish and still is to a certain extent. Now we have other options ranging from sealants, detailer sprays, liquid waxes and of course SiO2 coatings or ceramic coatings to give their more common name. The variety of differing products mean that a choice needs to be made, that in the case of ceramic coatings, could last several years into the future. Key factors to consider include ease of washing, effort in application, duration performance of chosen product and of course cost.
To best summarise these key factors lets us simply reference everything to the cost of the applied product as a ‘Cost Against Results’ ratio (CAR); It is assumed that after application of each product the car looks amazing.
Firstly, periodic washing of the cars is what we do most and I believe everyone wants to make this as easy and also as less damaging as possible. With nothing protecting your car’s finish any road dirt and contaminants will stick to the surface proving harder to remove and resulting in swirling damage during the washing and drying processes. Simply put, any protection will provide a hydrophobic layer for the dirt to cling too, albeit less than with no protection at all, making washing easier. Whilst all make the maintenance wash easier this does not last long depending on the product. This in ascending order of cost provides the first conclusion of Cost Against Results; Duration Costs.
The easier the application the shorter the duration. QD sprays may last a few days or weeks, waxes may last a few weeks or months, sealants may last a few months and coatings can last far longer. Following the application effort it seems that the CAR conclusion is the same; Duration Costs. However this is not the case with Sentinel Silk Wax. This premium Car Shine Wax (NO ONE EVER SAYS THIS!!!!) is applied easily then buffed easily with minimal hazing time with class leading results. Again, a time-efficient and therefore cost-efficient product from Sentinel Autocare.
In conclusion the deciding factors are acceptable cost and lengthy duration that seem proportionately linked, as one increases, so does the other. The conclusion could be drawn that an auto coating provides the same, or indeed better value for money than a wax does.
This remains a subject of much discussion and still an individual’s choice but a point to note is that you can still enjoy the physical satisfaction that the periodic use of Sentinel Silk wax can bring when applied on top of the reassurance that having a Sentinel Ceramic Coating ultimately protects the paint finish.