Modern paint finishes employ an extra layer of clear coat that forms an invisible barrier innocently protecting the paint during its lifespan. This clearcoat layer takes the brunt of the damage that a car’s surface endures each time it is used. Thankfully this provides detailers with a layer to work with that can be polished...
A vital part of any detailing decontamination is the Clay-bar or Clay-cloth stage. Without doubt this should not be overlooked or missed as introduced damage may result during the polishing phase. This simple action uses a product to grab any contaminant still present on the surface after washing has been completed. These stubborn particles cling...
Since the first SiO2 coatings or more commonly termed ceramic coatings, initially it was only used for professional uses due to the complex chemical interaction and difficult application processes. These limitations meant that only marine applications were common and the automotive side was rare at best. Several years later the chemical blends have...
For years car lovers have happily spent time applying a layer of auto-wax to protect the paint finish and enhance the overall appearance of their prized possession. In addition, the whole waxing experience can be used as a special time, an alone time that is also incredibly satisfying. Most car owners find waxing both relaxing...