When people first hear about ceramic coatings for cars they may be skeptical and have too many questions to commit to a purchase. The Sentinel Autocare team understand this but remain convinced of their benefits and are very enthusiastic about their application.
There is a lot more involved with the adoption of a car protective coating compared to alternatives available in the marketplace. Given the lengthy duration of a coating the preparation is vital starting with comprehensive decontamination, intensive paint correction (without using filler polish) then, after a deep cleanse to prepare the bare paint, the chosen coating can be applied, but which one do you choose?
There is more to the choice than just a car shine coating and it matters specifically what you want from your chosen auto coating? Easy to clean? Glossy finish? Protection from Swirling? Scratches? Stone chips? Bird bombs? The careless child with a 9h pencil? To be fair there is a lot of bold claims regarding how much protection can be gained and how long this will last. It is obvious that the better the care after the application, the better the duration performance will be. If you want to never wash your car again then you need PPF, not a coating. If you want an easy to clean super glossy car then you should seriously consider investing in the initial time and effort and enjoy the benefits for years to come.
It is human nature to be skeptical and anyone believing the super long claims regarding duration needs to read the small print. Finding out that the coating warranty requires a periodic top-up, at further cost, may come as a surprise to many but Sentinel makes it clear from the start the partnership begins with Sentinel but continues with the end-user. If you don’t practice regular and safe maintenance cleaning of your paint finish the potential performance will be diminished.
Protects your car with a coat
Sentinel understands that ‘protection’ is the additional layer that can be bonded to the clear coat that locks in the high gloss and prevents contamination from creating problems later. Problems include wash swirling, road salt in winter months, bird bombs throughout the year and general road film contamination that all cars endure. The bonus from investing in a quality coating is the continued ease of cleaning that having hydrophobic protection brings.
After developing and testing many products and brands for many years Sentinel believes in the commitment needed to invest in the long term option. Regular maintenance washes following the Sentinel wash guide and occasionally enhancing with wax or QD can extend the duration performance past the claimed duration.
We admit we are obsessive about clean cars and enjoy the ease of washing that the hydrophobic coating gives. The dirt is lifted effortlessly from the surface with snow foam vastly reducing the risk of introducing swirls. Sad maybe but very satisfying.